What Do Land Commissioners Do?
The Minnesota Association of County Land Commissioners is dedicated to the protection, stewardship, and multiple use of county resources and to the promotion of education and understanding of the proper use of the land.
A Summary of County Land Departments (YouTube)
Management of Tax Forfeit Lands and Properties across Fifteen Northeastern Counties Including:
Tax Forfeit Lands are those held in Trust by the State of Minnesota for failure to pay property taxes; though not directly owned by the County the lands are Classified, Managed, and Controlled by the County Land Department where the lands are located.
Brief History
The Forests of Unwanted Lands-
Minnesota is unique! There are 2.8 million acres of land in county ownership. Today, the "lands nobody wanted" are valuable treasures. They contribute to the overall economy of the state, play an important role in tourism and recreation, and provide the habitat for the state's wildlife and plant species. Counties supply 38 percent of all wood commercially harvested from public lands in Minnesota.